TikTok Whipped Coffee

This whipped coffee was viral four years ago and it’s a great little pick-me-up treat!

TikTok Whipped Coffee // This whipped coffee was viral four years ago and it’s a great little pick-me-up treat!

So this recipe comes 4 years after I made it and it definitely is something that I think a lot of us will be like…oh yeah, I remember that era of TikTok. Way back in the pandemic in 2020, I decided to try out the viral whipped coffee. It’s definitely something that I enjoyed but not something that I necessarily would like to make all the time because it does take a bit of effort. However, I love that I can use decaf instant coffee because while I do enjoy coffee, I don’t drink caffeine. You can adjust the milk levels to your liking for how strong you want it to be. You can add things like chai spices or cinnamon for a little added flavor! It’s really a great base recipe that can be used to make yourself a little treat! Treat yourself!

What You Need:

  • 2 Tbsp. instant coffee

  • 2 Tbsp. granulated sugar

  • 2 Tbsp. hot water

  • 1 1/2 cups milk (less milk would make it stronger)


  1. In a small bowl, add instant coffee, sugar, and hot water and whip until thick and creamy (use a hand mixer, seriously!).

  2. Fill a glass with ice and milk to your liking.

  3. Add whipped coffee to the top. Stir, if desired. Enjoy!

Recipe from TikTok (not sure the original poster)


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