Tatortot Hotdish

I grew up eating this Minnesotan casserole regularly and make it often now as an adult.

I don't think I talk about it too often on the blog, but I was born and mostly raised in Minnesota. I spent just short of 12 years there and loved every minute of it. Even though I don't plan on moving back to the small town I grew up in (population around 300), I do love to make foods that remind me of home. Tatortot Hotdish is a staple of a Minnesotan childhood. The word hotdish I think throws people off, but it is a casserole. This is something that I make often because it takes few ingredients and it's failproof. I've never messed up this hotdish. Ever. It very well may be the first thing I learned how to cook on my own. I always eat mine with ketchup. It's how my mom ate hers and I followed suit. Nick likes to top his with buffalo sauce. Honestly, top it with what you want - or don't top it with anything. I won't judge!

What you need:

  • 1 lb. ground beef, seasoned with salt and pepper (you can do chopped onion and garlic too)

  • 1 can cream of chicken soup

  • 1 can green beans, cut or french style

  • 1 bag frozen tatortots

  • Optional - Shredded cheese


  1. Brown ground beef in a skillet over medium heat. Drain.

  2. Mix the green beans, soup, ground beef and half of the frozen potatoes in a large pot or a casserole dish.

  3. Top with other half of potatoes. Bake at 350 for one hour.

  4. Add cheese the last 5 minutes of cooking to melt.

Fantastical Family Recipe

Recipe originally posted on Fantastical Sharing of Recipes on September 28, 2010


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